You are not alone. We can help you address problematic gambling and regain control of your life.

Our service is free and confidential to people who are registered with a GP in the East Midlands; learn more on the who we can help page.

Our service can be accessed directly via self-referral (you can refer yourself) or through a professional referral, such as from your GP.

Is your life in danger?

If you have seriously harmed yourself, or you feel that you may be about to harm yourself, call 999 or go straight to A&E. Or ask someone else to call 999 or take you to A&E. See our Help, I’m in crisis page.

Self-referrals: how to refer yourself 

To begin, please make contact with us in one of the following ways:

  • Please call us on 0300 013 2330 – please leave a message if the line is busy or if you are calling outside of office hours 
  • Please email us
  • Please complete the enquiry form, below.

Whichever way you choose to make contact, please provide a telephone number so that a member of the team can call you back during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

Learn more about our approach to working with you. 

Enquiry form

Please complete the form below and click on ‘submit’.


We will do our best to contact you at the times you suggest, but may have to call you at other times when we are busy.


Professional referrals 

If you would like to discuss your options or are not sure whether the East Midlands Gambling Harms Service is the best way forward for you, contact your GP or another trusted professional who can help you find the right support.

Your GP can make the referral for you. They can learn how to do this on the professionals page of this website.

Already receiving mental health or drug and alcohol support?

If you are already receiving care from specialist NHS mental health services, or drug and alcohol services, then you will have a contact for your care coordinator or another health professional in the team looking after you. This will be in your care plan.

You are welcome to discuss our gambling service with them. If you prefer, they can make a referral into the service for you. Please point them towards the professionals page on this website.